Today is my birthday…
I’m going to be totally honest with you guys about what I want for my birthday.
I wish, for my birthday, that every single person felt the light within them. There is a huge difference between seeing this light and feeling it. Seeing it is the first step; feeling it comes after.
Seeing the light and only knowing it is there can be sad and overwhelming and sometimes scary. You don’t know how to get to it so you can FEEL it. You are stuck. Stuck in a job you don’t like, a relationship that isn’t happy, a mindset that is depressive, a routine that is mundane and brings no joy… I could go on and on.
But when you feel it… When you touch it… When you let that light capture you and you close your eyes and you say “show me… I’ll go“; your life will change. You will see how strong you are, how capable you are, how beautiful you are, how independent you are, how much this universe needs you, how much you have to give.
You will feel that light lift you up in the morning and throughout the day guiding you to a more fulfilling job… Relationship… Thought process… Mindset… Routine… Whatever. You will see a grand potential in you but even better you will FEEL it! You will change things… Little at first then larger. And you will change. You will soon become this light. Beaming from every angle of your body. Your life will change. You will see and feel and know your amazing value and worth and you will take the care to work on your value and worth.
You will see that above all else (work, relationships, family, children, money etc) YOU are the most valuable.
Please always do what allows your light to shine the brightest. Always surround yourselves with people that don’t flicker your flame. Please reach deep and FEEL your light. Feel it’s warmth. Feel it’s value
For my birthday I wish for you to know this: “There’s only one person you can be responsible for in your life. Do what brings you joy no matter what anyone else wants. Always speak your truth. You can’t give up yourself just to please someone else; not your mother not your spouse if you get married, not even your own kids. So don’t. Do what makes you happy, always. Promise me?”