Balanced Birth Support

"Support surrounding your birth and postpartum should be compassionate, personalized, professional, streamlined and unbiased. This is what Balanced Birth Support commits to you."

Elizabeth Oldham, Owner

Supporting Families With

Childbirth Education, Birth Doulas, Birth Photography, Postpartum Doulas, Placenta Specialist,
Sleep Specialist, Overnight Support, Newborn Care Specialist & Lactation/Feeding Counselors.
Serving Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland & North Carolina

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“The whole point of family-centered birth is the knowledge that the birthing person is the birth power source. They may need help, but in essence, they always had, currently has, and will have the power.” Heather McCue

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Proudly Serving Geographical locations: Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland, North Carolina Birthing Locations: Virginia Hospital Center, INOVA Fairfax, INOVA Alexandria, INOVA Fair Oaks, Mary Washington, Sentara Woodbridge, Prince William Hospital, The Birthing Inn at INOVA Loudoun,  Ft. Belvoir Community Hospital, George Washington University Hospital, Haymarket Medical Center, Natural Birth Center, INOVA Loudoun, NOVA Natural Birth Center, Washington Hospital Center, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Stone Springs Hospital Center, Central Carolina Hospital, Wakemed Cary, Duke University Hospital, Rex Hospital, Duke Regional, Moore Regional, University of North Carolina Hospital. Proudly Supporting Homebirth, hospital birth, medicated birth, epidural birth, cesarean birth, birth center births, inductions, vaginal birth after cesareans (VBAC), twin or multiples birth, LGBTQIA families, single birthing person, adoptions, surrogacy, IVF, high risk pregnancies and birth, young birthing person, plus size, military families, "advanced maternal age", and so much more.

Hypnobirthing, HelloBirth Bradley Method, Hypnobabies, Calm Birth, Alexandar, Lamaze, Gentle Birth, and many other methods of childbirth preparation