Its so obvious that Danie has an immense, strong calling to supporting birthing families. They are a full-spectrum doula, and supports families in all circumstances and outcomes. Having moved away from their childhood home on an adventure to New York City, Danie is no stranger to uncertainty and unpredictability, and as a Traveling Doula, they will be there to your support you during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum wherever you are, near or far.
Read on to learn more about Danie!
Where were you born?
Riverside California
How long have you lived in the New York area?
Eight years
Tell me about the moment you wanted to be a doula.
I don't know if it was so much a moment as a journey. I've had an interest in birthing and birth since I was in the fifth grade but it wasn't until threeish years ago that I heard about doulas in the way we think of them now and decided to pursue it.
Are you a birth or postpartum doula? Or both? Why?
I am a full spectrum doula, meaning I support birthing persons regardless of the outcome of a pregnancy. For me it's about the fact that I want people to really want people to feel supported and informed without feeling shame or stigma or guilt. Life is complex and sometimes you need someone there who is there just for you without other motives
What is your favorite book/author/movie/band? Why?
Ooh. That's tough, I have so many. I love Iron & Wine because it makes me feel warm and nostalgic and a little melancholy. Plus Sam knows how to spin a musical thread. My favorite movie is Mary Poppins because sometimes you need something cheerful in your life.
What are some organizations that are near and dear to you? Do you do any volunteer or charity work?
Some orgs that I really love on a local level are The New York Doula Project and FreedomFrom. I could list a million of them. Grassroots organizations are near and dear to my heart. I volunteer a lot because it makes me truly happy and I feel like it's important to give back to my community.
Do you have any favorite quotes or poems?
Any poems by Nayyirah Waheed & Sylvia Plath.
Do you have any useless talents?
A million and one. I've got a knack for accents
What do you like to do in a your free time? Do you have any hobbies?
I run the rest of my self-care company, Of Earth + Salt, do a lot of art, and travel. I love to crochet and bake too.
If you could have an all-expenses paid trip to see any famous world monument, which monument would you choose?
I don't know about monuments, really. The big one I've been thinking about (The Eiffel Tower) I'll be seeing this year in December. I really love being with the locals.
What would you like your doula clients to know about you?
I am a fierce fighter to make sure things go the way you want them to in any circumstances.
What do you hope to bring to a birth?
I hope to bring support, love, and strength
What do you like best about being a doula?
I like being able to see people realize that they are truly amazing and capable of great things. Regardless of the outcome of a pregnancy.
What do you wish that more people knew about birth or pregnancy?
I wish that people knew that there's no wrong way or failure in birth. You birthed a child and that's a powerful thing. I wish more people would tap into trusting their instincts during pregnancy and birth. As humans we can be highly intuitive to what we need.
Where do you draw your inspiration?
Honestly from the people I work with. Y'all are so powerful and great.
Who do you look up to or idolize?
I try not to idolize people, because we're all fallible but I have a few friends and folks that I follow on social media who inspire me to be my best self, check my bs, and keep my head up.
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Hmm. Maybe not to procrastinate as much!
If you were attending a birth on a desert island, what ONE thing would you bring?
My rebozo
Do you have a public instagram/twitter?
Yep! I'm on instagram. @Of.Earth.And.Salt
what is one piece of advice that you would give to a new father/partner
It can be easy to feel removed and detached from what's going on with your partner so get involved in any way that you can. Do some reading, join groups, and talk to other new parent partners to be.
What one thing that you would like a new mother to know about the fourth trimester?
You're going to need help, you're going to feel lost and confused and frustrated. You're going to feel like maybe you're doing it wrong (you probably aren't). Ask for help! You're not a bad parent for needing it. Make sure you've got a way to get yourself and your partner good food, an extra hand around the home to help clean, and sleep when you can. Also, YOU'VE GOT THIS. I know that's more than one thing.
What is your practice area? Do you attend home births, birth center births, and hospital births?
Geographically? Anyway, honestly. I travel and am known as Danie the Traveling Doula. My home base at the moment is in New York City. As for where I attend births, anywhere! If you're birthing there, that's where I'll be.
To learn even more about Danie, visit their Balanced Birth Support profile page!