In Depth: Balanced Birth Support’s 3-Hour Comfort Measures For Birth

Are you looking for a childbirth class focused on easing the pain and uncomfortable sensations of labor and birth? Have you taken a childbirth class with a previous baby and are looking for a refresher? Balanced Birth Support’s 3-Hour Comfort Measures For Birth class might be exactly what you are looking for! Balanced Birth Support’s 3-Hour Comfort Measures for Birth class is taught by Sara P, a Balance Birth Support birth and postpartum doula, and childbirth educator. Even though this …

Get to Know Danie Crofoot, Balanced Birth Support’s Traveling Doula!

Its so obvious that Danie has an immense, strong calling to supporting birthing families. They are a full-spectrum doula, and supports families in all circumstances and outcomes. Having moved away from their childhood home on an adventure to New York City, Danie is no stranger to uncertainty and unpredictability, and as a Traveling Doula, they will be there to your support you during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum wherever you are, near or far. Read on to learn more about Danie! …

Get To Know Angie Smith; Birth Doula, Lactation Consultant, and Childbirth Educator

Angie Smith has been a birth doula with Balanced Birth Support for nearly a year now, and in that time has exponentially increased not only her birth training, but significantly expanded her  services. In addition to comprehensive birth doula services, she also offers red tent ceremonies, placenta prints, and breastmilk jewelry. She is also a certified Reiki II practitioner.  As I write this, Angie is at The Farm in Tennessee training to be a midwife’s assistant.  She is incredibly passionate …

Use Your Five Senses to Have a Zen Birth!

Whether you plan to give birth at home, a hospital or a birth center, the space you surround yourself with can have a big impact on your mental state before, during, and after birth. Harsh lights, beeping machines, smells, uncomfortable linens, the noises of other patients and doctors, and even the tone of voice that is used by you and your support team can all work together to make you uncomfortable, anxious, or scared. We have put together our collective …

The Birth Noa

Welcome sweet Elenoa Gwendolyn Keating to the world. A huge thanks to the amazing Heidie, birth photographer in the DMV. It is such an honor to be asked back to join a family for the birth of a subsequent baby… but this birth was a bit different. I met Avele and Mike during a Hypnobirthing class in 2015. They decided to hire me as their doula for the birth of their first baby, Pierson. His birth was long and it …

A Doulas Perspective: Stephanie Recounts A Powerful Birth (and shares photos!)

My client was overdue. These things happen and we were doing everything possible to get labor moving before her induction date. Her goal was a birthing center birth. On a Saturday, the birthing center called to let her know that if she didn’t go into labor by midnight, she would have to go to the hospital. At this point she was having some contractions, but nothing consistent. She went into the birthing center at 8pm, was in active labor, and …

Want to Teach Lamaze? Take Jamie’s Teacher Educator Class This October!

Birthing Babies Virginia is the Seminar program and it is being taught by Jamie Mueller, a local Lamaze Educator and Doula who lives in Lovettsville, VA and is a contracted doula with Balanced Birth Support. The first step to becoming a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator is to take the 3 day educator seminar. This seminar also comes with a free year of membership to the Lamaze DC Chapter which will mentor you, provide you with CEUs, and advertise your classes …

Meet Drea! Birth & Postpartum Doula

Sometimes you can tell the genuine character of a person simply from a short conversation or even an email.  Drea is enthusiastic and throws her heart into whatever she is doing- whether volunteering, reading a book, singing at the top of her lungs in the car, or supporting families in birth; you know that she is all in.  I am a huge reader, so I LOVE that when I asked her about her favorite books she narrowed it down to …